Utility-scale Power in the Size of a Parking Space
Fast, modular installation
Low maintenance
Easy to permit due to low emissions
Scalable to meet power needs
Fuel flexible
Mainspring Linear Generators flexibly operate to meet optimal cost savings, sustainability, and resiliency needs. Full dispatchability and dynamic fuel switching enable C&I customers to meet their operating goals today and in the future.
24/7 prime power, load-following
Resilient power when grids are down
Peak-load shaving for demand charge reduction
Economic dispatch based on tariff or real-time pricing
Onsite solar firming
Can be deployed where the electric grid is not available
“Mainspring's technology helps to support our move to net zero carbon energy. Mainspring generators improve energy independence and buffer our growing use of solar power, while offering the potential future use of zero carbon fuels like green hydrogen and others.”
Chris Thurston Head of Renewable Energy Projects Lineage Logistics
Mainspring customers are achieving fast deployment of new capacity, cost savings, reduced emissions, increased resilience, and other essential benefits.
Local, fuel-flexible power generation paired with rooftop solar at cold storage facility
View (opens in a new tab)Clean, low-cost onsite power for the nation’s largest traditional grocery company
View (opens in a new tab)Reduce electricity costs and sustainably increase power reliability for patient safety
View (opens in a new tab)Improve power reliability for healthcare facility operations with a linear generator microgrid
View (opens in a new tab)Fast, modular installation
Low maintenance
Easy to permit due to low emissions
Scalable to meet power needs
Fuel flexible
“For C&I customers seeking behind-the-meter solutions for energy cost savings, carbon savings, and added resiliency, linear generators offer clear advantages compared with other DER options.”
The full dispatchability of Mainspring products allows them to easily integrate with onsite solar and energy storage, while following and matching power output with building demand. Linear Generators ramp up when solar is not available and ramp down to optimize use of the renewables when they’re actively producing. In many cases, a large rooftop solar array, tracked and firmed by Mainspring products, can cover the entire power needs of a facility. Excess solar produced can be exported to the grid.
“Mainspring’s linear generator technology has allowed our business to manage electricity expenses better and lower its carbon footprint. We have already begun adopting this technology at other locations to expand this program.”
Jeff Guth Regional Director, Construction The Kroger Co.
Grid parallel operation in prime, demand-following, and peak shaving modes with the same project. Run any mode, anytime.
Capable of accepting full load from grid-parallel or standby in 10 seconds
Grid-forming/islanded operation provides power when the grid is down and can seamlessly transfer back to grid-parallel.